

Smoke One

“The time we have is limited, so what are you waiting for? Go out, live and do what you love to do, everything else is artificial.”

We often try to justify what we do and to find a reason or an aim for it because our rationality tells us to, and we simply obey. But there’s much more than that, there’s a truth that yells and nobody listen to: we are nature, we are instinct and part of something bigger and more complex than us ourselves, something that’s so complex that everything becomes easy if you indulge it.
Art represents this truth, at least for me. I do art because i can, because I want to and because I feel the need to do it as it was a biological need. To me art is an instinct that has to be followed and a challenge that has to be faced, even if you know you won’t succeed at. Following your own nature will never be a wrong choice but you’ll have to be brave enough to embrace it.